Yeah, I've re-written this a bit. We're getting into Obama/McCain territory, and jokes about the Starr Report are pretty dated, even if I still swoon over Sorkin's scripts for The West Wing... although Sports Night still looms larger for me. Same for the first three eps of Studio 60.
But I digress. I didn't write these strips, I didn't draw them, I didn't design them. My input here is limited strictly to scanning, cleaning, and re-coloring. Well, OK, I took the artwork on this index page from Hembeck's 'Fantastic Four Roast', published by Marvel Comics in 1982, re-arranged them, and added new text, but that's all, I swear!
The commentaries are all mine, though, with occasional contributions from people just like you! So, don't be afraid to send me feedback!
The copyrights, trademarks and publication rights to the artwork on this site (as opposed to the site design and commentaries - those are mine) belong to DC Comics, Marvel Comics, and Fred Hembeck where appropriate. I make no claim to them, and I hope the holders of those rights see this site for what it is - a gesture of appreciation on behalf of the ten-year-old kid I used to be when Fred began these off-beat adventures in the Amazing World of DC Comics!